MS Word Top Shortcut Keys - MS Word top Important Shortcut Keys List - Microsoft Word shortcut keys...
MS Word shortcut keys
Control+C: ==> Copy text or graphics.
Twice Press Control+C: ==> Display the clipboard.
Select text press F2(you then move the insertion point and press ENTER): ==> Move text or graphics.
Alt+F3: ==> Create AutoText.
Control+V: ==> Paste the clipboard contents.
Control+Shift+F3: ==> Paste the spike contents.
AlT+Shift+R: ==> Copy the header or footer after used in the previous section of the document.
Change or Resize the Font:-
Control+Shift+F: ==> Change the font.
Control+Shift+P: ==> Change the font size.
Control+Shift+>: ==> Increase the font size by 2 points.
Control+Shift+<: ==> Decrease the font size by 2 points.
Control+]: ==> Increase font size by 1 point.
Control+[: ==> Decrease font size by 1 point.
Apply character formats:-
Control+D: ==> Change the formatting of characters(font command, format menu).
Shift+F3: ==> Change the case of letters.
Control+Shift+A: ==> Format letters as all capitals.
Control+B: ==> Apply bold formatting.
Control+U: ==> Apply in underline.
Control+Shift+W: ==> Underline words but not spaces.
Control+Shift+D: ==> Double-underline text.
Control+Shift+H: ==> Apply hidden text formatting.
Control+I: ==> Apply Italic formatting.
Control+Shift+K: ==> Format letters as small capitals.
Control+equal sign: ==> Apply subscript formatting(automatic spacing).
Control+Shift+plus sign: ==> Apply superscript formatting(automatic spacing).
Control+spacebar: ==> Remove manual character formatting.
Control+Shift+Q: ==> Change selection to the symbol font.
Set Line Spacing:-
Control+1: ==> Single-space lines.
Control+2: ==> Double-space lines.
Control+5: ==> Set 1.5-line spacing.
Control+0(zero): ==> Add or remove one line space preceding or paragraph.
Align Paragraphs:-
Control+E: ==> Centre a paragraph.
Control+J: ==> Justify a paragraph.
Control+L: ==> Left align a paragraph.
Control+R: ==> Right align a paragraph.
Control+M: ==> Indent a paragraph from the left.
Control+Shift+M: ==> Remove paragraph indent from left.
Control+T: ==> Create a hanging indent.
Control+Shift+T: ==> Reduce the Hanging Indent.
Control+Q: ==> Remove paragraph formatting.
Moving Cursor:-
Home: ==> Use to go to the beginning of a comment.
End: ==> Go to the end of a comment.
Control+Home: ==> Go to beginning of the list of comments.
Control+End: ==> Go to end of the list of comments.