What is E-commerce - E-commerce Definition & History of E-commerce - E-commerce Website - E-commerce...
E-commerce & History of E-commerce
E-commerce can be defined as the use of the internet and web to conduct business transactions.
E-commerce or electronic commerce is the process of buying and selling are the exchange of products, services, and information over a variety of computer networks.
History of E-commerce:
After the internet commercialisation in the early 1990s and its steady growth to millions of customers, the term Electronic Commerce and EC application expanded rapidly. Ther is one reason for the rapid expansion of technology was the development of networks, protocols, software, and specification. The other purpose was the increase in competition and different business pressure. Almost every medium and Large size Organization in the US already has a website.
The meaning of E-Commerce has changed over the last 25+ years. In reality, E-commerce means the electronically facilitation of commercial transactions, using technology such as electronic data interchange and electronic funds transfer. These were both introduced in the late 1970s, allowing businesses to send retail purchase orders are invoices electronically. The growth and acceptance of credit cards, automatic teller machines (ATM) and telephone banking in the 1980s also ware forms of E-commerce.
Online shopping, an essential component of E-commerce, was invented by Michael Aldrich in the UK in 1979. The world's first time recorded B2B was Thomson holidays about in 1981. The first time recorded B2C was about Gateshead SIS/Tesco in 1984. Mrs jane snowball of Gateshead, England, was the world's first online shopper. From the 1990s onwards, electronic commerce would additionally include enterprise resource planning system (ERP), data mining and data warehousing. Tim Berners-lee invented the WorldWideWeb, which is known as www about in 1990 and transfers an academic telecommunication network into a worldwide everyman everyday communication system which is called the internet/www. On the Internet, the commercial enterprise was strictly prohibited until 1991.
Although internet/www became popular in the whole world after 1990 when first online shopping is done by a customer online, it took about five years to introduce a security protocol and DSL allowing continual connection to the internet. By the end of 2000 A.D, many European & American companies offered their services through the world wide web. Then people begin to associate the word "Electronic-commerce" with the ability to purchase various things & goods through the internet using high secured protocols and electronic payment services.